Strategizing My Success & Rewards
Strategizing on ways tocombine immediate rewards with long term rewards (Journal Entry 3)
Thoughts on Atomic Habits (Chapters 4-8)
Thoughts On Atomic Habits Chapters 4-8 & Module 2 Readings (Journal Entry 1)
4:Cast Mentor of the Year Finalist
THANK YOU!! to those of you who took the time out of your day to nominate me as DFIR Mentor of the Year for the 2021 Forensic 4:Cast Awards!
Starting My Doctorate Journey
Starting my doctorate journey and fighting imposter syndrome (Journal Entry 2)
Writing DFIR Reports- A Primer
“How do I write a good DFIR report?” -Literally Everyone at some point
You wouldn’t believe how many times that question gets asked out of me here at Marshall University (and sometimes in the DFIR community). Year after year I’ve given the same answer: a list full of outdated links and a verbal “laundry list” collection of tidbits a...
Base64- A Forensic Introduction
Although a digital forensic examiner may encounter many different encoding schemes in their daily casework, one of the most popular is that of Base64. Base64 is often applied to data being transported from one system to another, and is a popular encoding format because it ensures that a device (and it’s associated oeprating system) at t...
17 post articles, 3 pages.